
south african posters.


These posters formed part of a 3rd year project during my time at Stellenbosch University. The mission was to craft two visually captivating infographics that pay homage to the rich and diverse heritage and culture of South Africa.

In the first infographic, I aimed to have captured the heart and soul of South African culture through the iconic tradition of a 'braai.' From the 'howzit's' at the arrival of friends and family, to indulging in braai broodjies and melktert, the poster depicts the delightful elements that make a braai a truly South African experience. This illustrative infographic aims to not only introduce the art of a braai to the world but also evoke feelings of warmth, togetherness, fun, and pride in South African heritage. In the second poster, I take you on a journey through a South African-themed tin can that encapsulates the vibrant essence of the nation. The can is adorned with iconic symbols such as brandy and coke, representing South Africa's love for good times and celebrations, while the imagery of taxis reflects the bustling energy of the cities and the diverse people it carries. Through this unique blend of imagery, the poster offers a glimpse of the diverse facets that form the tapestry of South African culture, encapsulating its spirit and story in a single, striking graphic.

Both posters/infographics are a reflection of my passion for storytelling through design, bringing to life the vibrant and diverse South African culture.